History - Ex quo omnia

Mar 11, 2014 (Olivier Berten)

Remove headers from gabc

"% !TEX TS-program = gregorio\r\n% !TEX encoding = UTF-8\r\n\r\n% The first part of the score is called the header, you can input some useful informations here:\r\n\r\nname: Ex quo \u00f3mnia;\r\noffice-part: 5 Antiphon;\r\nmode: 5a;\r\noccasion: Trinity Sunday;\r\ndate: 2011;\r\ntranscriber: Albert Bloomfield AR monk AM;\r\ntranscription-date: 2011 AR 2013 AM;\r\nstyle: modern;\r\nannotation: 5 Ant.;\r\nannotation: 5. a;\r\n\r\n% Then, when gregorio encounters the following line (%%), it switches to the score, where you input the notes\r\n\r\n%%\r\n\r\n% The syntax in this part is called gabc. Please refer to http://home.gna.org/gregorio/gabc/#basis\r\n\r\n(c3)EX(fe/e>) quo(d_f) \u00f3m(h_i)ni(h)a,(h.) <v>\\greheightstar</v>(;) per(h_i<k~) quem(kkj~) \u00f3m(ij)ni(ih)a,(h.) (;) in(hi~) quo(gxiv_HG) \u00f3m(gxhg~)ni(ef)a :(f!gh_!vGE'/fe'/ed.) (;) i(d_f)psi(gxh_iH'G) gl\u00f3(gxhg)ri(ef)a(f_g) in(gxhv_GE') s<sp>'ae</sp>(f)cu(ed)la.(d.) (::)\r\n\r\nE(h) u(h) o(i) u(g) a(h) e.(f.) (::)"

["Trinity Sunday"]